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W-phase documentation


To install the code, we must first setup a few environment variables. If you use csh or tcsh:

setenv GMT_BIN      /path/to/gmt/bin
setenv RDSEED       /path/to/rdseed/executable
setenv GF_PATH      /path/to/greens/functions/database
setenv WPHASE_HOME  /path/to/wphase/package

If you use bash:

export GMT_BIN=/path/to/gmt/bin
export RDSEED=/path/to/rdseed/executable
export GF_PATH=/path/to/greens/functions/database
export WPHASE_HOME=/path/to/wphase/package

These variables are necessary both at installation time and at run time. In addition to these variables, it is handy to include the wphase “bin” directory into the PATH environment variable:

setenv PATH         ${PATH}:$WPHASE_HOME/bin

or in bash:

export PATH=${PATH}:$WPHASE_HOME/bin

All theses variable assignment can be included in your .tcshrc or your .bashrc file.

Once you have downloaded the last version of the W-phase package and that the above environment variables are properly defined. Then you can proceed as follows to compile the package:

cd ${WPHASE_HOME}/src
make -B
wphase/documentation.1395183916.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/03/19 00:05 by wphase