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wphase:macos [2015/01/23 19:07]
wphase:macos [2015/02/03 09:23] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-======= ​HowTo install ​W-phase dependencies on MacOS using homebrew and pip =======+======= ​Install ​W-phase dependencies on MacOS using homebrew and pip =======
-Before reading this, you should first read [[wphase:​documentation|the W-phase documentation ​wiki page]].+Before reading this, you should first read [[wphase:​documentation|the W-phase documentation page]].
-The instructions below have not been rigorously tested, please report any problem to Zacharie Duputel <​>​ or Luis Rivera <​>​.+The instructions below have not yet been rigorously tested, please report any problem to Zacharie Duputel <​>​ or Luis Rivera <​>​.
 ===== Install Homebrew =====  ===== Install Homebrew ===== 
 +For detailed information,​ please refer to http://​ and https://​​Homebrew/​homebrew
 Pre-requirements:​ Pre-requirements:​
Line 23: Line 25:
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-===== Install gcc, python ​and other dependencies ​===== + 
 +===== Install gcc, python, pip, etc. ===== 
 To install gcc-4.9 and python2.7: To install gcc-4.9 and python2.7:
Line 30: Line 34:
 brew install python brew install python
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 +Homebrew installs pip with python.
 Install required python modules using pip: Install required python modules using pip:
Line 38: Line 43:
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-We will also need ghostscript and gmt4:+We will also need gmt4:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-brew install ghostscript 
 brew install gmt4 brew install gmt4
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 +As indicated in [[wphase:​documentation|the documentation page]], the GMT_BIN environment variable should point to appropriate GMT bin directory (e.g., "/​usr/​local/​bin"​ or "/​usr/​local/​Cellar/​gmt4/​4.5.13/​bin"​).
Line 53: Line 58:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
 brew tap homebrew/​dupes brew tap homebrew/​dupes
 +brew install ghostscript
 brew install binutils brew install binutils
 brew install diffutils ​ brew install diffutils ​
Line 71: Line 77:
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-Add the following to your .bashrc file:+Finally, add the following ​lines to your .bashrc file:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
 export PATH="​(brew --prefix coreutils)/​libexec/​gnubin:/​usr/​local/​bin:​PATH"​ export PATH="​(brew --prefix coreutils)/​libexec/​gnubin:/​usr/​local/​bin:​PATH"​
Line 78: Line 84:
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-===== Building ​W-phase =====+===== Installing the W-phase ​code =====
-   * Before compiling the code, replace "​gcc"​ by "​gcc-4.9"​ in src/​Makefile. +   * Before compiling the code, replace "​gcc"​ by "​gcc-4.9"​ in src/​Makefile ​(or any other recent version gcc of installed with homebrew)
-   * You can then compile the W-phase code as explained in [[wphase:​documentation|the documentation ​wiki page]].+   * You can then compile the W-phase code as explained in [[wphase:​documentation|the documentation page]].
wphase/macos.1422036456.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/01/23 19:07 by wphase