In collaboration with Prs E. Flekkøy, K.J. Måløy and J.O. Fossum, simulation and experimental work on confined coupled fluid granular flows and hydrofracture, and on biphasic flows in random porous media.
In collaboration with Pr. Eirik G. Flekkøy (University of Oslo, UiO), Pr. Arne Skjeltorp (I.F.E., Kjeller and UiO), Dr. Geir Helgesen (I.F.E., Kjeller, Norway) and M. J. Akselvoll (I.F.E. and UiO): theoretical, analytical and numerical work on the self-organization of non-magnetic microspheres in ferrofluid layers, interacting with each other under the effect of a magnetic field.
In collaboration with Pr. Alex Hansen (NTNU), analytical study of fuse models and fracture networks.
In collaboration with Pr. Jens Feder (UiO) and Mrs L. Uri (PhD student, UiO), modelization of the dynamics of granular flows with elastoplastically deformable grains, analog system to describe the phenomenon of primary migration and compaction.
renaud 2012-09-11