Junior researcher and student supervision

Co-supervision of postdocs:

Georg Koval, 2008, postdoc in the framework of the ANR ``TRIGGERLAND'', 9 months, fluidization experiments and numerical simulations, with J. Schmittbuhl
Guillaume Daniel, 2008, postdoc in the framework of the ANR ``MODALSIS'', 9 months, development of microseismology techniques applied to laboratory acoustic emissions during interfacial fracture, and to large scale seismic monitoring data from the Marmara sea, with J. Schmittbuhl
Olivier Lengliné, 2009-2012, postdoc in the framework of the ANR ``SUPNAF'', and of the CAS "Complex Flows", Oslo: development of localization techniques and characterization of acoustic emissions during interfacial fracture experiments, and thermal effects in fracture, with J. Schmittbuhl and K.J. Maloy.
Anke Spickermann, 2009-2012, postdoc (ANR SISCA, European project SAFELAND), with J.P. Malet and J.Schmittbuhl
Michael Niebling, 2010, postdoc (University of Strasbourg) on ``Study of morphogenesis during hydrofracture''.

co-Supervision of PhD students:

* Grunde Løvoll, UiO, Norway, 2001-2003, with Pr. K.J. Måløy: analysis of experimental viscous fingering in porous Hele-Shaw cells.
* Jan-Ludvig Vinningland, UiO, Norway, 2002-2006, with Pr. E.G. Flekkøy: simulations of coupled granular flow in fluidized beds.
* Jørgen Akselvoll, UiO-IFE, Norway, 2001-2005, with Pr. A.T. Skjeltorp and Dr. G. Helgesen: experimental work on the equilibrium properties and dynamics of magnetic colloids.
* Lina Uri, UiO-PGP, Norway, 2001-2004, with Pr. J. Feder and Dr. D.K. Dysthe: experimental work on the gravitational compaction of populations of viscoelastoplastic grains.
* Øistein Johnssen, UiO, Norway, 2004-2007, Petromax NFR funding, with Prs. K.J. Måløy and E.G. Flekkøy, experimental work on sand production trigerred by fluid flow.
* Michael Niebling, UiO, Norway, 2006-2009, Petromax NFR funding, with Prs. E.G. Flekkøy and K.J. Måløy, numerical work about hydrofracture.
* Mikhailo Jankov, UiO, Norway, 2006-2010, Petromax NFR funding, with Prs. E.G. Flekkøy, K.J. Måløy and Steve Pride, experimental work about seismic stimulation of hydrocarbon production, multiphasic flow in oscillatory pressure gradients.
* Olav Aursjø, UiO, Norway, 2006-2010, Petromax NFR funding, with Prs. E.G. Flekkøy, K.J. Måløy and Steve Pride, numerical work about seismic stimulation, multiphasic flow in oscillatory pressure gradients (few interactions during his thesis).
* Melanie Grob, IPG Strasbourg, 2006-2009, University of Strasbourg, with Jean Schmittbuhl, Stephane Santucci, Knut Jørgen Måløy and Alain Cochard, experimental work on laboratory sismogenesis.
* Liran Goren, Weizmann Institute, Israel, 2006-2010, with Einat Aharonov, numerical and experimental work about fluidization of granular material during EQ due to intersticial fluid.
* Amelie Neuville, IPG Strasbourg, 2007-2010, University of Strasbourg, with Jean Schmittbuhl and Eirik G. Flekkøy, ``Comportement hydro-thermique d'un écoulement de fluide dans une fracture rugueuse: Modélisation et application à des massifs fracturés.''. Theoretical and numerical work on thermo-mechanical coupling between fluids and rocks during flow in fractures.
* Marcus Ebner, University of Mainz, 2007-2009, DFG (German Research Fundation) funding, with Daniel Koehn, experimental, numerical and field work on patterns resulting from stress induced dissolution, and the link between the morphology and the applied stress.
* Julien Travelletti, University of Strasbourg, ITN Mountain risk funding, 2008-..., with J.P. Malet and J. Schmittbuhl, development of 3-dimensional multiscale CIV techniques to monitor the variations of the velocity field of SuperSauze landslide
* Leehee Laronne-Ben-Itzhak, Weizmann Institute, Israel, 2009-2012, with Einat Aharonov, work on modeling stylolite genesis and analyzing stylolite characteristics as strain markers.
* Irfan Ghani, University of Mainz, FRACS Consortium funding, 2009-..., with D Koehn, numerical work on the role of fluid on the morphogenesis of rock joints.
* Maxime Farin, University of Paris VII, 2011-..., ANR LANDQUAKE funding, with A. Mangeney, avalanches and microseismicity, experimental approach
* Alexandra Rolland, University of Strasbourg / ANDRA funding, 2010-..., Rheology of calcite and use of stylolites as paleostress gauges: stress history of the Bure massif, with P. Baud, F. Cornet and J. Schmittbuhl
* Gustavo Sanchez-Colina, University of Havana, research stay financed by the french Embassy in Cuba, with E. Altshuler, Instrumental developments and experiments on ``Physics of natural catastrophes''
* Cécile Clément, University of Strasbourg, with T. Reuschlé, 2012-..., Work on two-phase flow in deformable soils, and applications in air sparging remediation methods - ``Remédiation des sols pollués par liquéfaction par injection d’air : Modèles numériques d’écoulements triphasiques air/eau/granulaires.''
* available position to EU students outside France, Sept 2013-2016, Marie Curie ITN Transflow thesis on Flow in chemically evolving fractures
* available position to EU students outside France, Sept 2013-2016, MArie Curie ITN Transflow thesis on Evolution of tight rocks during fluid injection

Supervision of Master students: Master 2 research projects or year long Master programs:

*Øistein Johnssen, UiO, 2002-2004, with Prs. K.J. Måløy and E.G. Flekkøy, experimental work on flow and hydrofracture of confined granular medium by air injection in Hele-Shaw cells.
* Herbert Yanksson, NTNU, 2002, with Pr. J.O. Fossum: tribology of the laponite/glass contact, experimental work.
* Morten Gunnufsen, UiO-NTNU, 2003-2004, with Prs. E.G. Flekkøy and A. Hansen: simulations on gravitational settling of dipole populations.
* Melanie Grob, IPG Strasbourg, 2005, Master 2 Research, , with Jean Schmittbuhl and Alain Cochard: Simulations of supershear fracture propagation.
* Emilie Walker, IPG Strasbourg, 2006, Master 2 Research, with Patrick Baud and Jean Schmittbuhl: Experiments on pressure solution and stylolite formation in calcite rocks.
* Amelie Neuville, IPG Strasbourg, 2006, Master 2 research, with Jean Schmittbuhl: Simulations of thermo-hydraulic properties of rough fractures.
* Berthilde-Maud Schelstraete, Master 2, EOST / Master university of Nancy, 2009, with J. Schmittbuhl, seismic stimulation at lab scale.
* Toufik Bencharif, Master 2, EOST, 2010, with J. Schmittbuhl and O. Lengliné, Caractérisation de la fracturation et de l'endommagement par des mesures acoustiques: applications aux ouvrages souterrains.
* Mickael Bastard, Master 2, EOST, 2010, with J. Schmittbuhl, Analyse de la déformation d'interfaces tridimensionnelles par corrélation d'images jointe à des techniques de stéréophotogrammétrie.
* Menka Stojanova, Master 2, University of Lyon, 2012, Numerical study of liquefaction: ``Etude numérique de la liquéfaction du sol''.

Supervision of Master students: Master 1 research projects or Engineering school 2nd year research projects:

* Pierre Knobel, IPG Strasbourg, 2006, Master 1, with Jean Schmittbuhl and Patrick Baud: Simulations of discrete element modeling on compaction band and stylolite formation.
* Malgven Roudot, IPG Strasbourg, 2006, Master 1, with Jerome Van der Woerd and Jean Schmittbuhl,: Characterization of coseismic slip power spectrum for major earthquakes.
* Gwendal Fily, IPG Strasbourg, 2006, Master 1, with Jean Schmittbuhl: Coupling chemical erosion and flow fluctuations in rough fractures - simulations.
* Samuel Maucourant, IPG Strasbourg, 2006, Master 1, with Jean Schmittbuhl and Laurence Jouniaux: Coupling chemical erosion and flow fluctuations in rough fractures - experiments.
* Alice Pussacq, IPG Strasbourg, 2007, Master 1, with Alain Steyer and Jean Schmittbuhl: Analog modelization of underwater avalanches.
* Aude Cesbron, EOST, 2008, 2nd year, with J Schmittbuhl and A Cochard, Shear fracture experiment
* Guillaume Reichart, EOST, 2008, 2ndyear, with J Schmittbuhl and A Cochard, Shear Fracture Experiment.
* Nelly Lagrima-Azul, EOST, 2009, 2nd year, with JP Malet and J Schmittbuhl, avalanches triggered by fluid overpressure
* Olivier Vidal, EOST, 2009, 2nd year, with J.P. Malet, A. Remaitre and J. Schmittbuhl, avalanches triggered by fluid overpressures.
* Mickael Bastard, EOST, 2009, 2nd year, with J.P. Malet, G Koval and J. Schmittbuhl, CIV determination of velocity map of Super Sauze landslide.
* G. Musnier, EOST 2nd year (Master 1), 2010, Mechanical impact of a gouge on a fault rheology: a numerical study, supervision: A. Cochard, R. Toussaint
* H. Baier, EOST 2nd year (Master 1), 2010, Imaging an open fracture by echography, supervision: J. Schmittbuhl, R. Toussaint, A. Neuville, A. Steyer
* Cheik Koutam, M1, 2011 EOST, with G Schäfer and K Nsir, acoustic tomography of biphasic flow.
* Madeleine Drubigny, M1, 2011 EOST, CIV techniques for the determination of density evolution during aerofracture experiments.
* Cecile Clement. M1, 2011 EOST, Landquakes in the lab: a preliminary study.
* Thomas Dupont, Master 1, 2nd year engineer ENSPS, 2011, with Alain Cochard: coupling granular mechanics and elastodynamics.
* Delphine Léobal, M1, 2012 EOST, with C. Doubre: Etude des lois d'échelle spatio-temporelles des glissements de failles normales à partir de donnés INSAR.
* Arthur Thénon, M1, 2012 EOST; Réactivation de chemins de transport fluide - détermination du squelette de percolation d'une structure de transport connecté dans un écoulement biphasique
* Camille Rénat, M1, 2012 EOST, with G. Schäfer: Tomographie acoustique d'un écoulement biphasique en milieu poreux
* Muriel Thomas, M1, 2012 EOST: Essais expérimentaux de liquéfaction de granulaires partiellement saturés
* Eve-Agnès Fiorentino, M1, 2012 EOST, with K.J. Maloy: Relations pression/saturation d'un écoulement biphasique en milieu poreux: influence des conditions aux frontières
* Romaric Macault, M1, 2012 EOST, with T. Reuschlé: Ondes de gravité dans un fluide non-Newtonien durcissant - aspect expérimental
* Pierre Douchin, M1, 2012 EOST, with M. Cara: Ondes de gravité dans un fluide non-Newtonien durcissant - aspect caractérisation de structures de terrain

supervision of Engineer student:
* Frederic Lorion, EOST, 2005, 1st year, engineering school: Simulations on morphology of rough fractures.
* Nicolas Zerr, EOST, 2006, 1st year, engineering school: Simulations of 2 dimensional Wolfram cellular automata.
* Alexandra Guy, EOST, 2006, 1st year, engineering school: Simulations of 1 dimensional Wolfram cellular automata.
* Marion Bourdet, EOST, 2007, 1st year, engineering school, with MO Boulanger, JM Brendle and X Rose, : php/MySQL base to generate scientific image viewer.
* Matthieu Derunes, EOST, 2007, 1st year, engineering school, with MO Boulanger, JM Brendle and X Rose,php / MySQL application to present and sort laboratory scientific production
* Corysande Prié, EOST, 2007, 1st year, with J Schmittbuhl, implementation of PIV technique
* Basile Hector, EOST, 2007-2008, 1st year, with J Schmittbuhl, avalanche model (cellular automaton)
* Guillaume Reichart, EOST, 2007-2008, 1st year, with J Schmittbuhl, avalanche model (Slider Block model)
* Sandra Liaigre, EOST, 2008-2009, 1st year, Julia ensembles
* Florent Robin, EOST, 2008-2009, 1st year, Transition towards chaos by period doubling in a simple discrete dynamic model
* A. Deloche, EOST, 2008-2009, 1st year, Julia fractals and Mandelbrot set
* M. Lapotre, EOST, 2008-2009, 1st year, Lotka-Volterra model
* Jean-Baptiste Simmarano, EOST, 2008-2009, particle image velocimetry
* Guillaume Dumont, EOST, 2008-09, image reconstruction by hierarchical methods using maximum correlations in multiscale techniques
* Fanny Leyrat, EOST, 2008-09, cluster identification and image analysis in multiphasic flow in a Hele-Shaw cell
* Louis Hecker, EOST, 2008-09, Invasion percolation: model for multiphasic flow under gravity in a disordered porous medium.
* Emilie Cazes, EOST, 2009-10, Arnold's cat: squeeze it yourself.
* Jan-Stanislas Cornet, EOST, 2009-10, Percolation models.
* Tsang Hin Sun, EOST, 2009-10, Lorentz attractor.
* Tom Vincent-Dospital, EOST, 2010-11, heat dissipation during fracture propagation.

supervision of younger (preparatory classes) students:
TIPE, 2006-2007: Josselyn Bernadoff and Francois Parcy, students of M. D. Meier, highschool Kleber, Strasbourg: TIPE (50 hours), laboratory study of seismic wave propagation and simple tomography. TPE: supervision of two highschool students (highschool of Walbourg, Alsace) about avalanches.
TIPE, 2007-2008: 4 students of M. D. Meier, highschool Kleber, Strasbourg: TIPE (50 hours), laboratory study of wave propagation and fracture.F Ok, L Schneider, C Gauthier, A.Christophe. three students of biology/geology preparatory classes in E. Rostand, Strasbourg, about friction. Laure Quentin, student of Versailles about liquefaction and avalanches.
TIPE, 2008-2009: 1 student of maths spe, highschool Kleber, AS Schell, about treatment of seismic signals. 1 student of math spe Kleber, N. Lack, about topography measurements.
TIPE, 2009-2010: 1 student of maths spe, highschool Kleber, Pierre Thiriet, about the microscopic morphology analysis of laser cutting surfaces in metals and 2 students of maths spe, Kleber, Aline Marguet and Marie-Flore Iltis, about the experimental determination of Lamb modes in various shaped filled fractures.
TIPE, 2010-2011: 4 students (Maths spé Kleber): Lucille Schillinger, fault mechanics. Franck Pipart, sedimentation model. Yannick Hamida et Stanislas, avalanche studies in granular media
TIPE, 2011-2012: 1 student (Maths spé Kleber): Carl Tourkis, Experimental tests of acoustic resonance modes of solid plates.
supervision of teenagers during internships/ lab visits
A few teenagers visiting the lab per year. (projects: Kid University, or personal project of professional environment discovery from french education program)

renaud 2012-09-11